Before afterthought

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Anna is my "suite keeper" at the hotel where i am put up in Cleveland. A chirpy and cheerful fifty eight year old woman. This is only the second time i am meeting her after i arrived at the hotel and i already know a good deal about her and her family, i actually thought americans are very guarded about sharing personal information unlike the all too eager women & men that we meet on trains in India (especially in South India) who can pretty much give you enough material to write up their biography. She is originally from Trinidad. Anyways she had this story to tell. She apparently is a nurse by profession and has been one for over 20 years. A patient of her's choked while she was nursing him and since he was in a bad shape and was not responding she decided to slap him to revive him. Well, apparently the patient was not all too happy with the slapping and complained and that cost her the nursing license. That's the reason she works as a suite keeper at the hotel now. Strange country for sure. Anna's getting back into the medical profession end of May onward and she tells me she's looking forward to it! Good for her.


At 10:25 AM, Blogger Abhipraya said...

My my they are indeed strange!!!


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